The demand for dental temps is on the rise and its understandable.
More dental assistants and dental hygienists are becoming full-time dental temps to give them the flexibility they desire for their lifestyle.
And more offices are turning to dental temps to ensure they have the coverage they need when a team member is sick, goes on vacation or a high production day is scheduled.
With giving you access to select your own dental temp for free, we wrote this post to give dental practices tips to ensure dental temps have a fun and successful time in their office. And to make those dental temps you love want to keep coming back to assist you!
1) Make sure they have all the right details:
Once a dental temp is booked, give a quick call or send a quick text to ensure they have the right info.
-Start and End time
-Parking info
-Any additional info you need from them.
And make sure you also confirm:
-They bring the necessary licenses and certifications for their position.
-They bring 2 forms of ID so you can add them to payroll.
-They have the skills you need to properly assist you.
– Their rate of pay.
Confirming these items will decrease the chances of any confusion when your temp day arrives.
2) Set them up for success:
When your dental temp arrives, make sure to give them a quick tour of the office. Spend an extra moment to show them the operatory/operatories they will be working in and make sure it is fully stocked or they have easy access to any items they may need.
Introduce them to your team, and if possible, have your team wear name badges so your temp can quickly identify them.
Make sure to review the schedule closely with them and let them know exactly what is expected of them for the day. Give them an insight into problem patients so they know how best to make them feel comfortable.
And let your patients know there is a new face in the office who is assisting temporarily. Some patients don’t like to see an unfamiliar face. Acknowledgment that there is a new person in the office is usually all that is needed to put the patient at ease.
Lastly, make sure they are aware that if they have any questions, they can ask anyone on staff.
3) Make them feel the love:
If steps one and two were followed, your dental temp is most likely feeling rather comfortable and fitting in nicely with your practice. But, if they are a temp you want to return to your office, these extra little steps will really help.
Tell them they are doing a great job. Everyone loves to hear it, so just say it.
Thank them for their help.
Make them feel included: If you are bringing in treats, make sure you bring enough for the temp to enjoy as well.
Tell them you would like them to come back and will be reaching out to them as soon as you need a temp again.
4) Lastly, make sure they get paid correctly.
At the end of the day, make sure to quickly meet with them to review the exact hours worked, their rate of pay, all payroll docs are filled out correctly and signed and ensure their check is accurate. Not sure how to pay a dental temp? We have this post to help.
Don’t forget, hiring temps on is free. And if you like the temp you find, they can keep coming back to your office at no charge. Sign up today!