Better Candidate Matching on DirectDental

by | Sep 29, 2020 | Dental Office, DirectDental Updates, Hiring, Temporary Hire | 0 comments

DirectDental was designed to connect Dental Professionals seeking work to offices that need help.  We designed the site to operate like a virtual dental staffing agency and many of you have seen a lot of success!  

But, there is always room for improvement and being a small company, we not only HEAR you, but we are able to take your suggestions and make them a reality.   

This post is to demonstrate the most recent improvements we have made and how to use them to your advantage.  

#1 Enhanced Candidate Matching

In the COVID world, finding serious and eager job seekers is a challenge.  And sitting around and waiting for candidates to apply to your job post just doesn’t cut it. 

So we are bringing our best candidates to you.  Post your job and a list of candidates will appear. 

These aren’t just any candidates.  Our technology works to present you with our sites most active and eager candidates.  Meaning that candidates that appear, have recently logged into our site, updated their availability and have worked hard to make sure their profile is complete and accurate.  And removes from your search, the job looky loos or those who are no longer looking for work.   

How it works:  It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Post your job
  2. View Matches – Our matching technology goes to work to find you our most active candidates in your area that best match your job.  
  3. Invite to apply – you can invite all the best matched candidates to apply to your job with one click, or if you are picky (like me) you can take your time, review their profiles and click the “Invite to Apply” button in the upper right corner of their profile.  

The candidates you invite, will get a direct message from you saying you want them to apply.  DirectDental will email you as candidates apply to your job.  

#2 Easy access to our most active temps

Similar to how our technology matches the best candidates to your job post, we also provide access to our most active temps. 

When you post and publish a temp job, our site will show you the temps in your area that, not only match the skill sets you requested but, those who have recently accepted temp jobs similar to the one you just posted. 

How it works:

  1. Post temp job.
  2. View Matches – In just a few seconds, our staffing technology will find you the best temps for your job. 
  3. Request temps – There is a blue button at the top of your matched temps that will allow you to “Request All” your matched temps.  Or again, you can choose to go through them and select the ones you feel would be the best fit for you. We recommend requesting at least 6 to 10 temps for the best results. 

Your requested temps will receive a text notification and they can accept your request with one click. 

Once someone has accepted your job, give them a call and work out all the details.  We have a great article about that here.  

***Don’t forget to check your applicants.  Temps that you didn’t request can still apply to your temp job.  Make sure to check to see if anyone great has applied.  If so, send them a request or give them a call to get them staffed. 

#3 No placement fees

We just want to remind you, there are no placement fees.  If you find a temp you love, you can keep having them temp and you don’t have to pay any daily rates!  Or if you find a temp or candidates you LOVE, hire them, without a hefty price tag attached!  

If you missed our last update, you can read more about that here.

AND if you still don’t believe we don’t charge placement fees, this article breaks down the why and how for you.  

#4 Upgrade your staffing game

While we don’t have placement fees, we do offer service to those who would like a little extra help with staffing their office.  To decide if you should upgrade, here is a little pop quiz. 

Which sounds more like you?

I am struggling to find candidates because I don’t have the time or energy to call on resumes.

If that is the case, we recommend our full service plan.  We will post your job and screen your candidates.  We will then schedule the best candidates for interviews in your office.  All you have to do is decide if you want to hire them. 


I have the time and the team members who can call on resumes, but my job post isn’t getting any qualified applicants.  

Then our boosted plan is the way to go.  We use our purchasing power to get your job amplified to get as many qualified candidates to apply to our job as possible.  Resumes will go directly into your email and you can call and interview on your time. 

There you have our latest updates.  As always, feel free to call us if you have any questions.  We love chatting with you!


Holli Perez, CoFounder and CMO of DirectDental