Say GOODBYE to Dental Staffing Agency Fees

by | Jun 23, 2020 | Dental Office, Employer advice, Hiring, Temporary Hire | 0 comments

We have spoken to a lot of you, but I guess it must sound too good to be true, because you all keep trying to give us more money.  So I am going to say it big and loud.  Ready?




Wait?  What?  What does this mean?


If you find a dental temp on DirectDental that you love, you can have them return to your office a thousand times and never pay anything beyond your membership fee.

Want to hire that dental temp you love?  Perfect!  Do it!  You do NOT have to pay a placement fee.  They are free to hire.  You don’t even have to notify us that you hired them.  It is all good.  

Gonna just let that sink in for a moment…..

 Ok, got it?  

Now, what most people ask is why are you doing this?  

My husband Anthony and I took over the agency in 2016.  I had come from a career in dentistry and Anthony had a very successful career in Healthcare Technology. 

We quickly discovered that the dental temp system was very much needed in the field, but nobody really wanted to work with a temp agency.  The reason why was simple. The fees. 

However, for us to keep our doors open, we needed to charge for our placements.  It took a lot of time, money and effort to post jobs, schedule interviews, do reference checks, confirm licences and we work a LOT of nights and weekends on last minute temp requests and interviewing candidates that worked full time jobs.  It is extremely hard work.  

We just knew with technology, we could make this process so much easier.  So in 2018 we brought in Frank, our web developer and now business partner to take our temp request process and put it online.  

Frank built us a program that allowed us to take a temp request from a client, put that request in our system. Then our system would show us who was available and the best matches for the job. The system would then send out the temp request via text message to the professionals we selected and they were able to accept the request in one click through their cell phone.

We knew the dental practices that hated the fees would love to work with a program like this. So we turned it into a website and DirectDental was launched September of 2018.  We have many early adopters who have been using the site ever since.  And we used their feedback to constantly improve the process.  

When COVID-19 hit, we originally thought it would just be a few weeks and there wouldn’t be much of a financial impact.  But as time wore on, we knew, dental practices were going to have a hard time finding staff, but also would not have the funds to pay for placement fees. 

So we worked diligently to make sure all our temps and candidates were moved to the site and would be ready to accept work as soon as they could.  

Then we worked to develop staffing plans so we could still offer services in finding qualified candidates, without having to charge a large fee once you hired.  So we developed these staffing plans. 

Essential Plan

Boosted Plan

Full Service Plan

Next question we get asked is how are you doing this?

As I mentioned earlier staffing is expensive, IF you aren’t properly utilizing technology. 

With Anthony’s experience in Healthcare communications, Frank’s infinite wisdom in building responsive websites and my knowledge in the dental field and staffing, we were able to build a site that did most of the staffing work for us. 

When you post a job on DirectDental it automatically gets posted on Ziprecruiter, Google Jobs and hundreds of other sites. 

When you search for candidates, it uses algorithms to show you the best candidate matches for your jobs.

When you request a temp, they are notified via text message so they can respond to your request faster than ever before. 

No middle men needed.  No daily rates or expensive placement fees applied.  

We built DirectDental to be better than a traditional dental staffing agency, more helpful than a regular job board. 

Here are some examples of how it works.  

You sign up for DirectDental’s essential plan.  

You request a temporary hygienist named Claudia.  Claudia is fantastic and you asked her to come back 2 more days next week and she agrees.  

Stop there!  You do NOT need to notify us that Claudia is coming back.  And you do NOT need to pay any additional fees.  

Now, let’s take it a step further.  Claudia comes back the two more days, and you and your team are so smitten with her you offer her a job.  And she accepts!  Woohoo!

Stop there!  You do NOT need to notify us that you hired Claudia.  And you do NOT need to pay any additional fees.  

(However, you can always email or call us to tell us we are awesome and amazing).  

Another example. 

You upgrade to the boosted plan.  We have a short conversation about what you are looking for and we post your job to all the various job boards. 

You receive some wonderful resumes and schedule working interviews. 

Stop there!  You do NOT need to inform us you scheduled working interviews.  You do NOT need to pay us a daily temp rate for your working interviews.  

Once you have completed your interviews, you decide to hire a registered dental assistant.  They accept. 

Stop there!  You do NOT need to inform us you hired through us, unless, you want us to pull your job posts down from the site.  Otherwise, we will let them expire at the end of your 30 days.  

Last example. 

You upgrade to the full service plan.  

We screen your candidates and send you 4 of the best ones.  We schedule all of them for working interviews.  You decide Carrie is the best fit and hire her.  She accepts the position and starts immediately.  

Since we are more involved here, please let us know you hired someone so we don’t keep looking, BUT you do NOT pay anything beyond the upgraded fee you paid at the beginning of your service.  

I know you may still have some questions and that is fine.  We are here for you.  Just give us a call at 619-295-1002.  We will be happy to walk you through the features of the site, or work with you to discuss what is the best staffing plan for you.  

