by Holli | Feb 7, 2023 | Dental Office, Employer advice, Hiring, Labor Law, Practice Advice, Practice Compliance
A few weeks back we sent out a post titled “Labor Laws That Could Be Coming To Your State” and as promised we want to help keep you up to date on these laws. We found this article from GovDocs that gives great detail into the states that are now requiring...
by Holli | Jan 22, 2021 | COVID-19, Employer advice, Labor Law, Practice Compliance
This weeks post comes from our friends at CEDR HR. CEDR HR provides Human Resources services for dental practices throughout the US. We know that dentists and their employees are getting a lot of mixed messages about the COVID-19 vaccine. CEDR HR took your most...
by Holli | Oct 27, 2020 | Dental Office, Employer advice, Labor Law, Practice Compliance
This weeks post comes from our friends at CEDR HR. CEDR HR is provides Human Resources services for dental practices throughout the US. They have kindly given us this post to give you the tools you need should this tense political climate seep into your office. We...
by Holli | Aug 19, 2020 | Employer advice, Labor Law, Practice Compliance, Temporary Hire
Dental Professionals are back to work and many are looking to temp! Which is AWESOME for dental practices. Now you can quickly hire a dental assistant, hygienist or front office personnel for a day if someone is to call out sick or you have a surge...
by Holli | Aug 4, 2020 | COVID-19, Dental Office, Employer advice, In The News, Labor Law, Practice Advice, Practice Compliance
As dental professionals return to work, they are requesting health insurance from potential employers more than any other benefit. And it is the employers that have “Health Insurance”listed as a benefit on their job posts that are attracting the best...
by Holli | Jul 22, 2020 | COVID-19, Dental Office, Employer advice, Labor Law, Practice Compliance
COVID-19 Exposure at Your Business The pandemic isn’t going away any time soon. To help you address potential COVID-related events at your practice, our friends at CEDR HR Solutions have provided answers to common questions about potential exposure and...